With Children, Do You Really Need the Courts?
In many legal situations, it is pretty clear that a court order is going to be necessary. When one or both parents are arguing heavily, and simply cannot agree with each other, there might be no other choice. Where there is a lot of conflict, and especially when the safety of a child is at risk, family lawyers like Robertson Hayles Lawyers should be involved.
There are many times when it seems like a legal agreement, such as a Parenting Order, is not necessary. If both parents are getting along with each other, and have separated without much bad will, you might think that things can be worked out between each other. Are the children being kept from hearing adult discussions, and able to continue their lives without being disturbed by fighting? An agreement might have even been outlined, where each parent is happy. When both are flexible and willing to accommodate each other, for the sake of a child, it might seem like everything will be fine.
You might be in a situation like the one described above. Maybe there is even an informal agreement in writing. Separated and divorced parents still tend to have lacking communication with each other, and emotions can run hot without much warning. Both parents could be putting the interest of their children before their own needs right now, but things can happen to change this scenario.
Family Lawyers say it is always best to get a formal agreement as a court order, in case something should happen in the future. This does not mean that you are bad parents, just because family lawyers have been involved. Rather, it is there to make sure that everything stays amicable.