New Vaccination Laws Could Put Stress on Families and Courts
The new “no jab, no play” laws might bring more problems than many advocates are aware of. Where separated and divorced parents are concerned, differing opinions could lead to undue pressure. This in turn could place additional stress on the family court system.
The Victorian Government has been pushing to bring in legislation that would effectively force parents to immunise their children, if they want to take advantage of childcare facilities, as well as kindergartens. Laws such as this have been passed in the US, as with California. Parents in the area are required to have their children immunised, unless they have a legitimate medical reason not to do so. This does not take into consideration personal beliefs on the topic, and has been a highly controversial law.
The Abbott Government is looking to deny payments from the Family Tax Benefit for any parents who refuse to have their children immunised. This stands to bring a whole new series of problems, as far as divorced or separated parents are concerned. A problem that many people seemingly do not see, is that the situation will compel separated and divorced parents to take the matter to court, where they do not see eye-to-eye on the topic. And many separated parents really do not need another reason to place more strain on the family court system.